Neolectra Inc. Announces 2021 Fulgora Z Model

Jan 15, 2020

By Maximus Staffi

An official statement from their official Twitter account (@weareneolectra) has confirmed the arrival of the 2021 Z model within the Fulgora family.

Above: Neolectra’s tweet from their official twitter account (@weareneolectra) reads “2021. NEOLECTRA. FULGORA Z. coming late 2020”

This cryptic message foreshadows the replacement of Neolectra’s three-member Fulgora family with a single lone-standing model Z car. Currently, the three vehicles within the Fulgora family are the XE, the XE NeoQuad, and the XE Tergo. However, this tweet may be hinting at a simplification of this.

Of course, this is all speculation. The company’s CEO, Sammy Urtzal stated in a recent press conference, “I think our distinct set of models is what really sets [Neolectra] apart from our competition. You know, we really do have something for everyone, whether you’re a speed demon or a family person”.

Whether this change is for the better or the worse, the company seems to be embracing a modern redesign of their vehicle families.

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