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Are you thinking about adding a Neolectra to your collection? Perhaps a Neolectra is going to be your first electric car? Or maybe you're just the curious sort? Either way, if you've been asking: What is the Neolectra factory warranty? Then we are here to help. You might be pleasantly surprised.


We understand that you may want to add a bit of spice to your car. That’s why we have a range of accessories, from air fresheners to GPS mounts. View the accessories page for detailed information and photos.


Learn proper maintenance of your Neolectra vehicle at the guides/manuals page, with detailed instructions on maintenance tips and choosing the right vehicle. See thr manuals page for more information.


Providing assistance to our customers is a priority, not only in the purchase phase, but also - and most of all - thereafter. This is why Lamborghini is a solid and reliable reference for all of its customers.

Neolectra offers a variety of services and is ready to listen to their customers at all times.

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Neolectra Experience

Neolectra Ownership

Neolectra Lifestyle

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