

CMO of Neolectra Inc.


Growing up, Sanjana loved books and knowledge. She was like a sponge, sucking in all information around her. Her one flaw however? Her morals. They were just too strong for those around her. But she just could not give them up, having read all the books about philosophy and ethics that exist in this world. She just could not give them up. She became a "goody-two-shoes" and was quickly banished from her previous friend groups. People avoided her at all costs so as to not receive a huge lecture about their lack of morals and what constituted as being "ethically upright".

Sanjana was stuck. She had no job, but had a lot of morals. She couldn't "sell" herself to employers...So she decided to learn marketing. But as everyone knows, marketing is largely about lies and deceit, and Sanjana could not lie. So she flunked all her classes and once again failed to find a job. That was, until she met Joselyn Sputak. Sanjana was absolutely horrified that someone like Joselyn could be holding a stable job with her lack of morals, and was extremely curious about the person who would be willing to hire Joselyn, so she asked to be introduced to Joselyn's boss: Sammy Urtzal.

Sammy took one look at Sanjana and hired her. And now, she is officially the Chief Marketing Officer of Neolectra. She is living proof that sometimes, honesty is truly the best policy (although Joselyn is living proof of quite the opposite).

I sincerely do not approve of what Joselyn Sputak does. She is amoral, she has no morals! Yet money! She makes money. As do I. Hence, I do not think this world is fair...You were asking about something called, uh, "climate change"?